I want to be one of the angels

I want to be one of the angels

Those angels without knees

I want to stand at attention & see it all.

to be sent.

I want to come into the world

And see who offers me water

Who reaches in their cabinet for the good snacks

I want to know who I can trust

It’s hard, you know, because God took our friend Truth and buried her here

maybe I’ll find her.

I want to be one of the angels -

Maybe the one who pushes knives out of their hands

Who calls them by their name and sees their pain

I want to be one of the angels -

Maybe the one whose tears can melt metal

Wow- what would they make instead?

Would they learn from me the power of their own tears?

I want to be one of the angels-

Maybe one of the chorus girls who

Seems to have holiness on her lips

she says it so easily

Holy times three

I want to be one of the angels-

So easy to serve when you don’t need

anything for yourself

Easier to visit her bedside

To wrestle with his demons

To block the path of the enemy

To crown God as the King of Me always

To stand in front of every soul


“Make way for the image of God”

I want to be one of the angels-

But I am earthbound

Merely, Divinely mortal

And still -

I can lift my eyes to compassion

And I can appeal to my better

And I can see her laughter and yearning in the same breath

And so I’ll dig up truth and cry & love and when I whisper

Holy, Holy, Holy,

When I answer - Hineini -

I’ll know our job is the same.


Garden of Eve