For Vidui
The scholar Adin Steinsaltz said this Teshuvah- repentance and return.
“Teshuvah is a manifestation of the divine within us. Through teshuvah, we can extricate ourselves from the binding web of our lives, from the chain of causality that otherwise compels us to follow a path of no return.”
It is a manifestation of the Divine with in us -
Because this very process of doing Teshuvah - the work of return
Is the work of soul seeking-
We use the language that our tradition give us of Vidui, confession -
Which uses words like sin - and guilt.
But I prefer the word distance -
When we struggle, evade, ignore - Fail to live up to the expectations of our covenant -
We create a gap, a distance between us and our souls.
And the journey of this day is to seek our souls -
To bring them closer to us, to bring us closer to them.
Today on this day, we ask ourselves and God to open our hearts-
To allow us to search them- to identify what is maintaining that distance
We do this through communal confession -
Not so that we can berate ourselves-
I did this, and this, and this, and this, and this, and this…
I am not worthy of being forgiven at all-
But rather,
So that we can do a full and honest accounting.
It is not so we can isolate ourselves in the shame of sin - But so we can return to whole
We speak in one voice-
Because this is the covenantal work-
All of us can be better-
All of us come seeking -
And so we list all the ways we’ve created distance between us and our souls -
One for each letter of the alphabet -
So that we know we have done a full accounting
So we can see what we have pushed aside or unseen, unacknowledged
We say them aloud, together.