There is one more hour and there is a line waiting to get in
There is one more hour
And there is a line waiting to get in
We’re all standing and waiting-
young and old, full of hope and light
We’re all waiting
Waiting to be written
Waiting to be made new
Waiting to enter through the gates of forgiveness
There is one more hour
before your gates will close
Or maybe, not
Maybe, you’ll get hung up on a story
Distracted or moved or overwhelmed by the contrition and purpose your People display
And you’ll keep them open
For one more hour after that
And then another day
And maybe
The gates will just stay open
And all of us will walk through
And we will discover new gates
The gates of compassion-
The gates of grace-
The gates of tears
The gate of loving kindness
Until, together, we reach the gate of redemption
But for now-
We pray, as we wait-
Keep your gates open,
For another minute and another hour-
Let me walk through.