Heal us, and let the year and her curses end
We stand on the border of twilight and dark
between one year and the next -
And we find ourselves filled with so much -
With hope and brokenness
With fear and with love
We seek so much healing
The repair of failing bodies -
The renewal of wholeness and health
We pray for so many in our lives -
And our prayers extend outside our homes, outside our borders.
Dear God-
We call out to you -
Heal us. Heal the ones we love. Heal the ones who so need healing.
El Na R’faeinu - tikhleh shanah v’kil׳loteha—
Heal us- and let the year and her curses end.
Raise us up -
Stitch us back together.
Tachel shanah u’virchoteha
Let the new year and its blessings begin.