Grace World
On some Sunday mornings
my dad would get up early
put on his uniform
and drive to a local church
To direct traffic
And on some Saturday mornings
my dad would get up early
put on his uniform,
and drive to our synagogue
Not to pray
But to stand guard
Sometimes I’d leave services in the middle
To watch him
I saw how his shoulders would tighten
When a stranger passed
When a new car pulled into the parking lot
And then release when they turned around or drove away
The church was called GraceWorld.
They were so lucky to live in that world -
The good grace of only having to worry about fender benders,
of a clogged path of cars on the way out
None of that Grace for our synagogue
Instead, a world of carefully locked entrances
A Sacred fortress
“It could happen here” thought, but never said
It never did -
not to me, not there
Is that all the Grace I can hope for?