We are the people of…
We are the people of the book
Don’t read it all in one sitting,
some of its chapters will break your heart
We will use it to teach you how to live
to break your heart on purpose
We are the people of the tree
Don’t cut us down
Don’t you know what wisdom we contain
We will teach you how
to reach towards the light
We are the people of the garden
Doesn’t matter how far you take us from our home
You will find us flourishing
We will teach you how
to grow in all conditions
We are the people of the air
Don’t tear us apart
You will breathe our shared breath
We will teach you how
To fill it up with song
We are the people of the heart
Doesn’t matter how hard yours is
Our muscle softens as it opens
We will teach you how
to make joy where there is only pain
We are the people of each other
We are the people of the choosing
To be who we are
Over and over again
Even when it hurts us
Even when it breaks us
We will be who we are, over and over again.